Entrepreneurial networks: perception and effects on entrepreneurial culture

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CARMEN Palmero Cámara
Tamara de la Torre Cruz
Esther Ruiz Palomo
Miguel Corbí Santamaria
Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias


The numerous economic and social changes arising from the current situation of financial crisis, has raised the need to advance research on the processes leading to the promotion of entrepreneurship as a basic competence that allows the acquisition of skills aimed at successful social development, configuring the entrepreneur as a transforming social agent and driver of growth.

The theoretical perception about the phenomenon of entrepreneurship is not individualist, emerging within this field the study of social networks as a valuable asset for the entrepreneur, since it allows them to access resources and information and are a source of competitiveness and development.

This article is part of the exploratory study phase of the R + D + I project that aims to determine curricular educational policy actions aimed at incorporating the entrepreneurial culture in the formal educational environment. Thus, the specific objective of this phase is to determine the importance given by the older university students to formal and informal entrepreneurship networks. The choice of this population sector is justified by the guidelines that at a European level focus on the elderly as a valuable resource for entrepreneurship, due to their training, experience, knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the entrepreneurial competence setting.


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How to Cite
LUIS RICO, M., Palmero Cámara, C., de la Torre Cruz, T., Ruiz Palomo, E., Corbí Santamaria, M., Sánchez Iglesias, A. I., & JIMENEZ EGUIZABAL, A. (2015). Entrepreneurial networks: perception and effects on entrepreneurial culture. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 183–196. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2015.n1.v2.102
Author Biography

Esther Ruiz Palomo, UBU



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