Entrepreneurship in elderly adults and its training as an opportunity for favoring active aging.

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David Padilla Góngora
Remedios López-Liria
José Manuel Aguilar-Parra
Mª Carmen Lozano-Segura
Ana Morales Montoya


Introduction: In view of the demographic change experienced by the world population, it is necessary to take into account the accelerated aging that will bring about 2 billion people over 60 in 2050. This leads us to consider formulas that make possible an active aging, opening possibilities for self-realization and personal and professional growth until the end of life. That is why entrepreneurship in older adults and the programs that promote it are gaining value.
Objectives: To visualize the most recent studies in entrepreneurship in the elderly and developed programs that promote active aging and how to teach to undertake.
Methodology: A bibliographical review has been carried out using the descriptors Active Aging, Entrepreneurship + Older Adults, Entrepreneurship + Social, Entrepreneurship + Mentoring and Global Aging.
Results: factors that promote entrepreneurship in older adults and their benefits are shown, factors that negatively influence entrepreneurship in older adults and entrepreneurship programs in older adults, such as the Female Project, Grundvig and Memoro.
Conclusion: Cognitive development throughout life favors the longevity of the elderly. Such cognitive development can occur in many ways, with the social participation of the person being one of them. In community activities, the elderly can put into practice the knowledge they have acquired throughout their lives, having the possibility to undertake after retirement, either for business purposes or with social impact


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How to Cite
Padilla Góngora, D., López-Liria, R., Aguilar-Parra, J. M., Lozano-Segura, M. C., & Morales Montoya, A. (2017). Entrepreneurship in elderly adults and its training as an opportunity for favoring active aging. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2017.n2.v1.1106


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