Beliefs and research methods about fertility and its consequences in the treatment and life project of casaes.

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Mónica Alexandra de Oliveira Nunes da Silva


Boosted by factors such as the increase of women’s access to higher education, unemployment and financial instability among young adults, the birth of the first child has been postponed for the last three decades. At the same time, the literature has pointed to a poor knowledge by couples about the reduction of fertility with age, with an unrealistic view regarding the ease of getting pregnant at later ages and the effectiveness of In Vitro Fertilization. In order to find answers to their doubts, couples increasingly resort to the internet, with their treatment options being heavily influenced by the online information acquired, despite the evidence of the compromising quality of health information held over the internet. Inserted in a society that looks for instant answers and of easy access, and taking into account that there are no  regulations for the information that is shared online, health technicians have the responsibility of directing and recommending to their patients sources of information that they consider to be reliable and accurate on the internet.


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de Oliveira Nunes da Silva, M. A. (2017). Beliefs and research methods about fertility and its consequences in the treatment and life project of casaes. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 265–272.


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