Use and abuse of ICT repetition of course in adolescents

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Ángela Barrio Fernández


New technologies are used more and more frequently by adolescents. The devices and tools that facilitate the use of ICTs are very widespread among adolescents. As parents, educators, and as society as a whole, we must make a greater education effort regarding the consumption of different technological means, encouraging a rational use of them, and encouraging the critical spirit in adolescents that allows them to decide how they want to use ICTs in a responsible way. In recent years, the variety of possibilities in which a teenager can spend his free time has increased considerably. This is influencing new and different lifestyles, and can also affect study and academic performance. A study has been conducted in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria, with a sample of 2371 students, ranging from the 1st ESO course to the 1st Bachiller’s course, and a distribution of 1168 women and 1203 men. Stratified sampling was performed per conglomerate such that the sample could be considered representative of the Autonomous Community. One of the issues analyzed is course repetition and its possible relationship with the use and abuse of ICTs. 22.77% of the students in the sample have repeated a course, which undoubtedly requires consideration. It was observed that those who have repeated a course use more new technologies and they use them less adequately, compared to those who have not repeated any course. In this article, we wanted to highlight the influence of the inappropriate use of different technologies on the repetition of students’ school courses, through the analysis of the different variables analyzed. 


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How to Cite
Barrio Fernández, Ángela. (2018). Use and abuse of ICT repetition of course in adolescents. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 197–208.


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