Coping strategies in a simple of university students

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Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez


Introduction: The evaluation of coping strategies used by university students is considered fundamental due to it’s relevant educational and clinical impact, since the use of functional or productive strategies is related to greater well-being, quality of life and adaptation or adjustment within the university environment. This will make it possible to generate awareness of the strategies employed by the student body. Then in the face of the continuous challenges and challenges that arise from Higher Education teachers can develop programs for training students in those considered most productive. Objectives: To examine the coping strategies employed by a sample of Spanish university students. Method: The participants were 169 undergraduates belonging to the Faculty of Educational Sciences. The way used to evaluate the coping strategies was the general scale approved in the Spanish population. Results: This study displays some of the preliminary data obtained in the research. These have been analysed and discussed according to reviewed scientific literature, and they highlight the coping strategies most used by this sample of university students. Among the coping strategies used are found both those which focus on solving the problem, and those which focus on emotions. Conclusions: The data obtained is relevant to generate awareness of the coping strategies used within the university environment for the design of a future program or psychoeducational initiatives. These will provide training in the more effective coping strategies in order to deal with academic situations that generate stress.


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How to Cite
Morales Rodríguez, F. M. (2018). Coping strategies in a simple of university students. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 289–294.


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