Current state of the affective-sexual health of people with functional diversity in Spain.

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María Honrubia Pérez
Marta Hernández Meroño
Esther Sánchez Raja


The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge on the current Affective Sexual condition of the Health of the persons with Functional Diversity (PFD) in the Spanish territory through consultations to ANSSYD’s Counseling. For that there is realized a quantitative descriptive transverse design, where the subjects of study are PFD, family and professionals that contact the advising. The data is obtained from the realized consultations online, telephonic for 6 years. (October 2012 to October 2017). For registration of the information has been used the package Microsoft Office 2010. Results: There are attended 1856 consultations of family, keepers and PFD, centering his doubts on the following variables: Pregnancy, sexuality ignorance, sexual dysfunctions, coitus, sexual orientation, erotic toys, sexual assistance (SA), and ignorance of the functions of the SA comparing it to therapy. In reference to the consultations raised by professionals his doubts are 1758 focusing in the following variables: contraception, ignorance and doubts on sexuality in PFD, Masturbation, coitus, sexual orientation, erotic toys, sexual assistance SA, fantasies and sexual and Reproductive Laws of the PFD Conclusions: Is evident the increase of consultations received in the Counseling that focuses on information interests on sexuality that have not been covered by the professionals at their service. The absence of development of the Organic Law 2/2010 of March 3 of Sexual and Reproductive Health and voluntary interruption of the pregnancy has the consequence noncompliance of it with consequences of lack of formation and information. The shortage of formation in sexuality and more concretely of sexuality and functional diversity in the professionals to confront the needs of the PFD and the lack of programs and educational materials adapted to the special needs of the PFD, makes learning difficult to this group, to his families and to the professionals in relation to the sexuality, preventing these persons the empowerment across her. Urgent measurements have to be taken by the Administrations, the Departments of Education and Health and the professionals who show charges of management, in order that in the 21st century the problems of visualization and of recognition of the affectability and sexuality in the PDF stop taking place.


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Honrubia Pérez, M., Hernández Meroño, M., & Sánchez Raja, E. (2018). Current state of the affective-sexual health of people with functional diversity in Spain. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 57–66.


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