Professional satisfaction of nurses in stroke units.

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Celeste Antão
Maria José Gomes


Job satisfaction has over the years been a topic of growing interest for those concerned with quality of life at work and with organisational success. Nurses’ professional satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of care provided to patients. As such, assessing it contributes to developing a good environment in the workplaces and wellbeing of the professionals. Objectives:To evaluate the professional satisfaction of nurses from two Stroke Units. Participants: A study carried out in two Stroke Units of the North-eastern Trás-os-Montes region’s Hospitals, using a non-probabilistic sample of 29 nurses. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study. The Evaluation of Professional Satisfaction instrument was used to evaluate the degree of professional satisfaction of the nurses of the two health institutions. Sociodemographic and professional variables were used to characterise the sample. The statistical treatment was performed in the SPSS, version 22, package. A significance level of p smaller than 0.05 was defined. Results: The sample is composed mostly of married nurses (55.2%), level I nurses (65.5%), with a specialty (20.7%) and nurses with a master’s degree (13.8%). Regarding received salary, 75.8% of the nurses consider themselves totally dissatisfied and / or very dissatisfied; 31% of the nurses said they were totally dissatisfied with the profession. The overall average of job satisfaction is 70%, with a standard deviation of 6.4. Conclusions:Nurses tend to be dissatisfied with their salaries, and those who reported having a shift schedule, a permanent labour contract, were more satisfied.


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How to Cite
Antão, C., & Gomes, M. J. (2018). Professional satisfaction of nurses in stroke units. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 85–90.


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