Sexual health and quality of life in people with moderate brain injury trauma (MBIT)

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Esther Sánchez Raja
María Honrubia Pérez


Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) affect relatively young people more frequently and are an important cause of persistent neurological disability with different degrees of disability. The objective of the study was to know the state of Sexual Health of people with Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI), measure their Quality of Life (QL) and explore from the perspective of people the changes  generated in their lives as a result of the injury. A total of 184 patients with MTBI participated. The results evidenced alterations in the activities of the daily life, in the scope of personal relation, behavioural and emotional alterations, changes in the own life and in the family. As for the sexual alterations arising after the MTBI, persistent sexual problems are detected and the frequency of coital relationships decreases. The problems with greater prevalence in men are premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and in women those with vaginal dryness, the lack of excitement, orgasm and dyspareunia. In general, the cognitive, physical, emotional and behavioural changes that occur after suffering a MTBI have a direct impact on sexuality.


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Sánchez Raja, E., & Honrubia Pérez, M. (2018). Sexual health and quality of life in people with moderate brain injury trauma (MBIT). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 287–298.


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