The internal consistency of the goldberg questionnaire in farmers

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Cláudia Chaves
Paula Nelas
Emília Coutinho
Maria Amaral
Carla Cruz


The General Health Questionnaire is used to detect the existence of a probable psychiatric disorder in the general population, among a community or in non-psychiatric settings, such as in public health or primary care (Pais Ribeiro, et al., 2015). It is sensitive to recent psychiatric disorders but not to stable states with prolonged existence (Goldberg and Williams, 1988). In this study, we evaluated the internal consistency of the Goldberg Questionnaire in 150 farmers aged between 19 and 88 years, with a mean of 55.3 years. The sample,had a higher percentage of male participants living in the central region of Portugal and with a partner; most of them with a schooling up to the 9th grade and professionally active. A Pearson correlation matrix was performed between the subscales and the global index. The results showed that the correlations were positive and significantly correlated, ranging from (r = 0.267) somatic symptoms to social dysfunction and (r = 0.623) somatic symptoms vs anxiety and insomnia. As regards for the correlations between the different subscales with the overall value, it is observed that these are reasonable and positive, ranging from (r = 0.553) with social dysfunction and (r = 0.871) with anxiety and insomnia (table 6) accounting for 30.5% and 75.8% respectively. The results show that the great majority of the items are significant, consubstantiating higher correlational values in the subscales to which they belong, and that this value is higher than the others, being in most cases higher than 0.30.


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How to Cite
Chaves, C., Nelas, P., Coutinho, E., Amaral, M., & Cruz, C. (2018). The internal consistency of the goldberg questionnaire in farmers. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 309–316.


Goldberg, D. P. (1978). Manual of the general health questionnaire. Windsor : NFER, 1978..Acedido em

Goldberg, D. P., & Hillier, V. F. (1979). A scaled version of the General Health Questionnaire. Psychological Medicine, 9(1), 139-145. Acedido em

Goldeberg, P., & Williams, P. (1988). A User’s Guide to the General Health Questionnaire. Windsor: NFER-Nelson.. Acedido em

Pais-Ribeiro, J., Neto, C., Silva, M., Abrantes, C., Coelho, M., Nunes, J., & Coelho, V. (2015). Ulterior validação do questionário de Saúde Geral de Goldberg de 28 itens. PSICOLOGIA, SAÚDE & DOENÇAS, 16(3), 278-285 EISSN - 2182-8407 DOI: