Participatory socio-economic democracy as a revolutionary process of the snail of history

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Luciano Vasapollo


The revolutionary construction of popular participatory economic democracy is an act of love. We do not speak only of what opposes us to our adversaries and enemies. The new man begins with the inner circle of our knowledge. The slowness can be that of history, which in turn can be tremendously fast; but it is above all the slowness of the change, of the time necessary to organize it, to fight and realize it, to think critically, and to advance ... slowly but moving forward. The immediacy is not form. It is not a matter of being more or less revolutionary, more or less willing to face confrontation, to violence, to risk.

Here and so, a great part of the teaching of my Cuban comrades, of our father Fidel, is reflec


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How to Cite
Vasapollo, L. (2018). Participatory socio-economic democracy as a revolutionary process of the snail of history. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 267–278.


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