Emotional intelligence in Higher Education students. Analysis through mixed techniques

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Rocio Fragoso Luzuriaga


Currently there are numerous articles about Emotional Intelligence’s evaluation in university students; however, most of them only address the quantitative aspect forgetting the personal experience of the scholars. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the emotional intelligence (IE) in university students of Social Science and Humanities through the application of qualitative and quantitative techniques. In order to fulfill the above purpose, in the first phase of the research, the TMMS-24 (Trait Meta Mood Scale) was applied to a stratified sample of 255 subjects. In the second phase, based on the results of the first instrument, 8 students were selected to participate in a semistructured interview previously designed to deepen the emotional skills acquired along their professional studies, because they represent the extreme cases of each degree. The results suggest that students with high scores in the TMMS-24 tend to describe more examples of emotional intelligence skills opposed to their peers from the same degree with low scores in the instrument.


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How to Cite
Fragoso Luzuriaga, R. (2018). Emotional intelligence in Higher Education students. Analysis through mixed techniques. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 231–240. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2018.n2.v1.1334
Author Biography

Rocio Fragoso Luzuriaga, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Docente Investigadora Tiempo Completo, Candidata al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores


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