Mathematical problems, their resolution and affective domain. Differences between male and female students of primary school teaching

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Steven Van Vaerenbergh


Since the mid-1970s there has been an interest in studying the relationship between gender and mathematics education . Nevertheless, only few studies have been carried out on this subject. On the other hand, in their research on teacher training, show the need to analyse the cognitions of the mathematics teacher as a requirement for the implementation of new forms of teaching. In our case, we consider it interesting to analyse the cognitions of future teachers. The work presented here addresses these two lines.
To that end, we set out to analyse how affect influences the learning of mathematics and the resolution of mathematical problems (RMP) by students of primary school teaching (SPT). In this work, some results are derived from the administration of the questionnaire, on Affective Domain in the Resolution of Mathematical Problem to a sample of SPT, as well as the differences in this area between men and women.
The sample on which the questionnaire was administered is composed of a total of 110 firstcourse SPT of the Faculty of Education of the University of Cantabria, Spain. The responses of 105 of these questionnaires were considered valid, of which 61 correspond to women and 44 to men.
Through the answers to the 21 items in the questionnaire, dimensions such as beliefs about the nature of mathematical problems and their teaching and learning are analysed, as well as beliefs about oneself as a resolver of mathematical problems; attitudes and emotional reactions towards the RMP; and assessment of the training received in the teaching studies in relation to the RMP.


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How to Cite
Van Vaerenbergh, S. (2019). Mathematical problems, their resolution and affective domain. Differences between male and female students of primary school teaching. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 59–68.
Author Biography

Steven Van Vaerenbergh, Universidad de Cantabria

Departamento de Matemáticas, Estadística y Computación


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