Social representations of the typologies of maltreatment childish

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Julia Moreno Moreno


The study suggests that “in  the general population there will be differences in the assessment of severity in the types of abuse considering as very serious the abuse of the physical and sexual abuse, emotional, Munchaüsen, and prenatal, and as less serious, labor exploitation, begging and physical punishment “. The objective is to describe the social representations of the general population about the severity of child abuse behaviors. The sample consists of 223 subjects of both sexes, over 18 years of age residing in Linares and Jaén and divided into three groups: 89 subjects belong to the general group, 58 to peripheral professionals and 76 to those of child protection. The subjects completed a Questionnaire on the Social Representations of Child Mistreatment (CRESMI), which assessed, among other aspects, the severity assigned to the different types of abuse. The 30 items that form it, describe behaviors that can be had with children. They were grouped into different dimensions related to the types of abuse. To know this assessment by the general population, we took into account the average scores in each of the items of the dimensions of abuse in which the different behaviors of abuse were grouped and the dimension of non-abusive behaviors and punishment.
The results indicate that the groups of subjects establish a continuum of severity of the different parental behaviors of abuse, being the physical abuse and sexual abuse valued as more severe. Considering that some forms of mistreatment are more abusive than others. The sample of the general population recognizes as maltreatment a wide range of behaviors that encompasses beyond the four typologies commonly included in studies on social representations of child maltreatment.


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How to Cite
Moreno Moreno, J. (2019). Social representations of the typologies of maltreatment childish. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 23–36.
Author Biography

Julia Moreno Moreno, Universidad de Jaén




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