An app designed for early mathematics training. The number line estimation

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Carlos Mera Cantillo
Gonzalo Ruiz Cagigas
José Ignacio Navarro Guzmán
Belén Román Alegre
Estíbaliz Aragón Mendizábal


Currently, we have been hearing from various educational and scientific forums the need to improve students’ mathematical learning. Mathematics is considered one of the most complex topics for comprehension. Math also is the subject presenting lowest grades of our students. Research focused on of mathematical competence development, has highlighted the need to implement early intervention to improve further progress. Likewise, it is necessary to facilitate learning using tools that may be attractive to students, such as the use of new technologies for educational purposes. The use of high tech devices such as tablets or smartphones can approach education in the family environment of our young people. In such a way that children can learn while they are playing at home. In this work,  we present one of the applications (APP) designed for tablet and smartphone, adapted to the different platforms. App is designed and developed for improvement children’s numerical sense. Apps is designed for Early Childhood Education. This APP is is focused on training number line estimation. This skill is one of the main specific mathematics learning precursor. APP is based on cognitive models of numerical learning, and provides the benefits derived from the use of one of the tools used as reinforces by families (tablets and smartphones). This work would contribute to the development of mathematical skills of children aged from 4 to 7 so that they can successfully face the school requirements for maths, solve daily lives features.


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Mera Cantillo, C., Ruiz Cagigas, G., Navarro Guzmán, J. I., Román Alegre, B., & Aragón Mendizábal, E. (2019). An app designed for early mathematics training. The number line estimation. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 133–142.


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