Protocol of good practices in positive parentaly. Its elaboration and pilot study

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Maria Luisa Máiquez
Maria José Rodrigo
Victoria Hidalgo
Pere Amoros
Raque-Amaya Martínez -Gozález
Enrique B Arranz
Esperanza Ochaita
Juan Carlos Martín-Quintana
M. Angels Balsells


The Guide to Good Practices in Positive Parenting is aimed at the services and professionals who carry out their work in the areas of Social Service, Education, Health, Justice, or in some other area where they work to develop counseling, guidance, intervention or support for families. It contains as a main instrument a Protocol of Good Practices that includes those aspects that characterize the professional task and the service of support to the families that are relevant from the approach of the positive parenthood and that can be object of improvement. The possibilities for improving professional practice and service are explored in three clearly interconnected areas of content: A) Characteristics of support services for families and organizational culture; B) Process of professional work with families, and C) Use of evidence-based programs aimed at families. The process of elaboration and application of the protocol of good practices and the results obtained in the pilot study is indicated. The use of the protocol has allowed identifying many good practices related to the three areas, being useful to be applied in very different devices and services, the importance of focusing on the family, strengths, rather than their deficiencies and greater unanimity was obtained time to judge the relevance and usefulness of the electronic evaluation tool


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Máiquez, M. L., Rodrigo, M. J., Hidalgo, V., Amoros, P., Martínez -Gozález, R.-A., Arranz, E. B., Ochaita, E., Martín-Quintana, J. C., & Balsells, M. A. (2019). Protocol of good practices in positive parentaly. Its elaboration and pilot study. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 425–436.


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