Educational intervention before a new diversity, high capacities with genetic engineering

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Maricela Zúñiga Rodríguez


Mexico is one of the leading countries in research and scientific innovation in assisted
human reproduction. Increasing the number of Assisted Reproduction Clinics. In 1986, there were only 2 private clinics in the whole territory, and there are currently around 70 clinics in the health sector as a right to human reproduction. By assisted reproduction is meant the whole method of medical-surgical, whose purpose is to achieve the fertilization of a human being in a different way to natural conditions. This has reduced the costs of assisted reproduction, being 30% and 50% cheaper in Mexico with respect to European countries or the United States and even free in the health sector such as the ISSSTE clinics, the SSA or the Clinic of Nutrition, among others. This has led to more and more births assisted by this means. Faced with the growing right to assisted reproduction as a recent population event, in Mexico, these children arrive in the classrooms with the firm idea of parents that their children are exceptional children or with high abilities with respect to the school group to which they belong, arising the following questions: How is the educational population present in the classrooms transforming before the increase in genetic engineering? What are the psychological and cognitive characteristics present in the students considering the capacities established in the classrooms? It is a mixed approach study from documenting cases attended in the Special Education Services of the Ministry of Public Education, from the results of their psychopedagogical evaluation their educational, psychological and cognitive characteristics are identified, the results and the conclusions obtained are shown.


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How to Cite
Zúñiga Rodríguez, M. (2019). Educational intervention before a new diversity, high capacities with genetic engineering. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 315–324.


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