Assessment systems and teaching methodologies and their incidence in generic competences (EMICOG-STUDENTS)

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Judit García-Martín
Jesús N. García
Alicia J. Inciarte
Freddy V. Marín
Edgardo R. Sánchez
Marcial E. Conde


The various structural, organizational and methodological reforms that the Higher Education
Area has undergone have caused substantial changes in the prevailing educational model in the university sphere and, consequently, in the study plans. With this in mind, the present communication describes the design of an online ad hoc questionnaire, EMICOG - students version, through the web tool, SurveyMonkey. Therewith, it is intended to determine and analyze the perceptions and beliefs of future usefulness that students have about different teaching methodologies applied in various subjects studied of degrees and master’s degrees taught at the Universidad de la Costa (Colombia). At the same time, the forms of assessment or evaluation of the transversal activities carried out are examined, paying special attention to generic competences such as critical reading and textual construction.
In this sense, the EMICOG - students version, has eight clearly differentiated categories:
i) general data, ii) instructional strategies and techniques, iii) resources used in the evaluation and teaching of the subject, iv) psychoeducational variables, v) training needs, vi) study and learning processes, vii) attitudes towards learning and evaluation and, viii) anxiety towards learning and evaluation, which are examined using 5 or 7 point Likert scales. Therefore, the application of the same to 2275 undergraduate students of the Universidad de la Costa will allow extracting differential profiles and designing strategies of successful instructional action for the improvement of the academic results in the national tests of Saber Pro, to which the Colombian students will present themselves at the end his university studies. Competitive Research Project CONV-ÍNDEX No. 13-2018, Project Code INV. 150-01-007-13 Universidad de la Costa (Colombia) - University of León (Spain).
Evaluated by the ACAC (MEN Colombia).



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How to Cite
García-Martín, J., García, J. N., Inciarte, A. J., Marín, F. V., Sánchez, E. R., & Conde, M. E. (2019). Assessment systems and teaching methodologies and their incidence in generic competences (EMICOG-STUDENTS). International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 337–352.


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