Collective proof without oral production for the evaluation of the process of recognition of the written word. PIPE.

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Virginia González Santamaría


The aim of this work is to present a task of evaluation of the processes of recognition of the written word in third-year of Pre-school education and first and second years of Primary education. This task, of collective application, is designed to evaluate different students,
with and without disabilities, with and without language difficulties, since it is resolved without the need for an oral response from the student. The theoretical model in which the task is based establishes that reading comprehension is defined by the combination of two skills, non-specific reading skills, common to oral language (syntax and vocabulary, mainly), and specific skills of it, those that only start up when we read and write words, being one of the most important Processes of Recognition of the Written Word. For a reader to be considered an expert, it is necessary that the operation of these processes be carried out fluently, that is, with precision, (without making mistakes), and with automaticity, that is, without consuming too many cognitive resources in these processes and be able to use them in higher processes such as reading comprenhension. To evaluate the fluency in the reading of words in Spanish we have several tasks of individual application and that require an oral response by the student. For this reason, the task that is presented consists of 60 items represented by a drawing and three response options, the correct word and two orthographic distracters to be completed (the largest number of them) in three minutes. As the test progresses, the semantic complexity of the items increases. Finally, the importance
of using tasks like this for the prevention and early diagnostic of difficulties at this level is discussed.


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González Santamaría, V. (2019). Collective proof without oral production for the evaluation of the process of recognition of the written word. PIPE. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 363–372.


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