Experience of the application of the evaluation protocol of good practices in parentality positive in the program of residential child care managed by the entity Messengers of Peace- Canary islands

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Sabrina María Henríquez Jiménez
Omaira Teresa Segura Robaina


The experience in the application of the protocol of the evaluation about the good practices in the service of attention to the families from the approach of the positive parenting. With the aim of achieving an improvement in the service for families in the residential foster care program managed by the entity Mensajeros de la Paz Canarias, which currently manages 12 child protection homes on  the island of Gran Canaria, an evaluation has been carried out through the Good Practices protocol from the Positive Parenting approach, considering that the service requires intervention with families from this approach as a way to professionalize the service and, and at the same time offer quality care from the entity that allows creating and maintaining a favorable support relationship and achieve family reunification when the Case Plan so requires. After the application of the protocol through a rigorous process with the participation of the professionals who intervene both directly and indirectly in the cases and following the application phases as recommended by the Good Practices Guide in Positive Parenting, results have been obtained relating to the service that needs to be improved. An improvement plan has been drawn up that the entity is currently in the implementation process, however, these changes are already producing improvements both in the responses to the interventions of the families themselves and in the daily work of the professionals. A rigorous, consensual and joint work methodology on the part of the entire team.



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How to Cite
Henríquez Jiménez, S. M., & Segura Robaina, O. T. (2019). Experience of the application of the evaluation protocol of good practices in parentality positive in the program of residential child care managed by the entity Messengers of Peace- Canary islands. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(1), 435–444. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2019.n1.v3.1516


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