Satisfaction with studies, emotional weakness and focusing strategies in uneversity students in manaus

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Ester Menezes dos Anjos
Maria Dos Reis Camelo


The aim of this work was to find the relationship between satisfaction with studies, coping strategies and emotional exhaustion. The participants were 100 economics students from a private university in the city of Manaus, between 18 and 56 years old. They were applied the Scale of Emotional Fatigue (ACE) of Ramos, Manga and Moran (2005) as a measure of stress; this questionnaire also has two items, one to assess self-esteem and another to satisfaction with the studies. And COPE Breve de Carver (1997) to evaluate the 14 coping strategies. The results inform that the strategies most used by the participants in the study were: Planning, Active Coping, Religion  and Emotional Support; that students with high self-esteem have greater satisfaction with studies, and less emotional fatigue. On the contrary, students who have low self-esteem report more stress and use more impoverished coping strategies and with less competence to solve problems.


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Menezes dos Anjos, E., & Dos Reis Camelo, M. (2019). Satisfaction with studies, emotional weakness and focusing strategies in uneversity students in manaus. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 127–138.


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