Education and vulnerable contexts: challenges and resources for the prevention of drug consumption and other addictions.

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Ángel Manuel Turbi Pinazo


From the educational context of the Scholas Occurrentes Project, and concretely, from the Chair of the Catholic University of Valencia, we consider that we must encourage and facilitate a change in education; Therefore, within this area we have to reflect on the
need for an intervention with a socioanthropological perspective to arrive at an educational intervention, based on scientific evidence and the academic-university contribution.
In this context we can not ignore the reality of addictive behaviors, prioritizing and defining contextual vulnerability, from there, reaching the digital / virtual era in which our adolescents are immersed, both from the educational and social, emerging new addictive behaviors, and by “ende” new violence.
Contextualize the concepts of education and vulnerability, reaching the analysis of risk factors and protection that facilitate or predispose our adolescents to the evolution or chronification of an addictive behavior. Within the educational-preventive field, we indicate levels and scopes (accepting a part of the failure in the preventive intervention that has been made in the last decades), reviewing our actions, proposing new approaches and techniques.
We can not avoid a new reality: the existing digital / virtual era, generating a need to educate adolescents, considered digital natives; the development of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and other emerging technologies, a changing reality, with its advantages and risks, together with the appearance of techno addictions, and its consequences: “new violence from social networks”, making special mention to the Cyberbullying, problematic that from Scholas Occurrentes, worries and takes care sensitizing and acting in an educative, formative context including the teaching staff.


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Turbi Pinazo, Ángel M. (2019). Education and vulnerable contexts: challenges and resources for the prevention of drug consumption and other addictions. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 4(1), 243–254.


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