Emotional intelligence in elderly portuguese
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Introduction: Emotional intelligence is understood by the academics as a skill that promotes the individual’s decision-making capacity in the face of everyday life situations. It allows better planning of your actions according to the objectives outlined and consequently the realization of future projects. Aims: To evaluate the level of emotional intelligence of the elderly and to confirm that their area of living, their education level, their physical
activity and the existence of depression before 65 years old can influence their own emotional intelligence and its dimensions. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational, quantitative study. In this study there was the voluntary participation of 1040 elderly, aged between 65 and 96 years old from the Central Region of Portugal. For the measurement of the variables it was used an Emotional Intelligence Scale (MIE), and a form for the demographic and situational characterization.
Results: Of the elderly respondents 39.7% high emotional intelligence, 22.9% moderate emotional intelligence and 37.4% low emotional intelligence. For the five dimensions of emotional intelligence residential area and schooling interferes with the Empathy, Self-motivation and Self-awareness. The practice of physical activity interferes with the Empathy and the emotional intelligence globally. The existence of depression before age 65 doesn
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