Giftedness and adhd: a dual exceptionality unattended
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Dual exceptionality refers to the population with high intellectual potential in co-occurrence with some type of disorder. A dual exceptionality present in schools is the one that combines giftedness with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The objective of this article is to analyze the empirical and review studies from the last five years, focused on the dual exceptionality giftedness-ADHD, in primary school children. 10 articles were obtained with the specific research topic. A series of key characteristics and symptomatology were established for the differential diagnosis of this dual exceptionality. In addition, the development of subjects with this condition in the social, emotional, family and educational aspects was described, determining their limitations in the context and the coping mechanisms they develop. Finally, relevant aspects of the intervention in this dual exceptionality were identified, considering the benefits of alternative therapies such as Mindfulness. This review identifies the lack of experience that exists regarding this issue, largely due to the current poor approach from the scientific community, especially in Latin America. All this shows the need for intervention in a population little attended within the classrooms, as well as a condition that must be studied and included in the training of education professionals.
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