The influence of parental personality as a predictor of the configuration of the apego and the problems of child behavior

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José A. Rabadán Rubio
María L. Gómez Brugarolas
María del Carmen Pérez Cánovas
Rosario Sánchez Mazzuchelli
Cecilia Pérez Faz


The exercise of paternity arises from the personality traits of the parents (Desjardins, Zelenski and Coplan, 2008; Lomanowska, Boívin, Hertzman and Fleming, 2017). The first traces in the scientific literature that describe this reality can be found in Belsky’s work (1984). It refers to the influence of the parents’ personal characteristics in educational styles (Prinzie, Stams, Dekovic, Reijntjes and Belsky, 2009). Vondra, Bittman and Belsky (2008) relate personality and paternity through three dimensions: parental psychological differentiation, negative affect and psychological disorder. They argue that the ability to raise will be modulated by the personality and adjustment exhibited by the parents. In this way, certain personality traits, such as negative parental or emotional psychopathy, condition the appreciation of behavioral problems in childhood (Angelini, Klijs, Smidt and Mierau, 2016; Desjardins, Zlenski and Goplan, 2008; Lomanowka, et al ., 2017; Oliver, Wright and Coffman, 2009). In fact, it has been found that maternal personal characteristics predict child behavior. The psychological well-being of mothers correlates with the problems in the development of their children (Camsranesi, 2016; Nikolaev, Baranova and Petunova, 2016). In this investigation we have analyzed the relationship between parental personality traits in the development of attachment and the appearance of behavioral problems. For this we have used different validated and commercialized objective psychometric tests. At the same time, as it is indicated in the literature for the measurement of attachment at the ages established in the investigation, we have used a projective test. The results obtained in the evaluated educational center ratify us and verify a very high correlation in the parental personality type triangle, attachment configuration and behavioral problems.


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How to Cite
Rabadán Rubio, J. A., Gómez Brugarolas, M. L., Pérez Cánovas, M. del C., Sánchez Mazzuchelli, R., & Pérez Faz, C. (2019). The influence of parental personality as a predictor of the configuration of the apego and the problems of child behavior. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 15–22.
Author Biographies

José A. Rabadán Rubio, Universidad de Murcia.

Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Murcia

María L. Gómez Brugarolas, Universidad de Murcia

Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Murcia.

María del Carmen Pérez Cánovas, Universidad de Murcia

Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Murcia.

Rosario Sánchez Mazzuchelli, Universidad de Murcia.

Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Murcia

Cecilia Pérez Faz, Universidad de Murcia.

Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Murcia.


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