Coping and resilience in adolescents
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The aim of this work was to know the effect value of coping in psychological resilience. Two self-report questionnaires were applied to 124 Spanish adolescents to measure coping strategies and resilience. The data obtained were analyzed with the IBMSPSS.
Descriptive and linear-regression analyzes were performed. The results inform that certain coping strategies such as Active coping, Positive reframing, Acceptance of the problem and religion are associated with a greater resilience. Other strategies such as Self-Blame, Behavioral Disengagement and Substance Use are associated with lower resilience scores. The adolescents studied use Active Coping more frequently when they solving problems with stress, also Planning and Using Emotional Support. Self-distraction also appears with high score. The study of resilience and coping has a great scientific interest in the field of psychology and health, mainly because in the adolescent stage we find it convenient to learn coping strategies that imply greater resilience to the stress of life.
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