The music in the magnifying glass of psychology in the face of the pandemic: Covid19!

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C. Claro
M. Lapa Esteves


The world went out of tune with the sound of a virus called Covid19, and if music was already important in our lives, it became more and more important in this mandatory quarantine for millions of habitants of planet Earth. Music emerges as a strategy for good mental health to alleviate the confrontation with the reduction of freedom that they abruptly found themselves having to accept. Thus, this exploratory study arises not only to analyze a song in its construction, planning, choice of tonic (the note that “sends”), but in what frequency vibrates, for example, the frequency 329Hz. This frequency is associated with improvements in breathing, in grounding (basis / knowledge of the facts) and improves the state of flow (flow state: mental state of operation in which the person is totally immersed in what he is doing, characterized by a total feeling involvement and success in the activity process).  In this way we will try to investigate how music works, as well as placing music in the lens of Psychology at the service of the community in the face of this pandemic!


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How to Cite
Claro, C., & Lapa Esteves, M. (2020). The music in the magnifying glass of psychology in the face of the pandemic: Covid19!. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 143–154.
Author Biographies

C. Claro, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa

Aluna do 3ºano de Psicologia da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa

M. Lapa Esteves, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL)

Docente da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL). Portugal.


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