Educatioinal institutions united by a more emotional education
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The educational investigation of exploratory nature consists of the cohesion and collaboration between different institutions in the province of Teruel: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Educational Administration and Schools of Infant and Primary Education. The programme around which they are coordinated is Education Responsible, provided by the department of education of Spain s Botin Foundation. It is an educational intervention, pioneer in Spain, whose central thrust is emotional education. The main aim is to foster emotional intelligence in the participant students in order to ensure their integral development. The resources that Education Responsible programme offers are training of the participant professionals and educational resources for the schools. Likewise, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in collaboration with
the Teacher s Centre Ángel Sanz Briz and Educational Inspection, creates a research team, with the teachers of Psychology and Education, which is responsible for designing and providing the training in the schools and the teachers support while they are developing the innovative educational experience.
In addition, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences includes emotional education in some of the curricular subjects of Infant and Primary Degrees and Secondary Master Degree; it also offers a research line, for the Final Degrees and Master Degrees, which exploits the value of an education based on the knowledge, comprehension and impact of emotions. The cooperation between institutions is essential and this project is a bid for education with heart.
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