Comparison between the attitudes of people with intellectual disabilities towards sexual behaviour and those of their parents

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Olga Fernández García
María Dolores Gil Llario
Vicente Morell Mengual
Beatríz Gil Juliá


Traditionally, people with intellectual disabilities have been deprived of the right to express their opinion, dismissing their ability to reflect and making their greater dependence on reference adults prevail. In this sense, although there is an increasing awareness of the rights of these people, the prejudices of parents towards the sexuality of this group are still present. For this reason, we propose to analyse the attitudes towards sexual behaviour of people with intellectual disabilities held by both the people who make up this group and their parents. To do this, a brief scale of attitudes towards sexual behaviour was administered to a sample of 360 people with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities between 19 and 55 years old and 100 parents between 28 and 83 years old. The results reveal that people with intellectual disabilities have significantly more liberal attitudes than their parents towards the behaviours of kissing, caressing (t = 2.423; p = .016) or engaging in sexual practices without penetration (t = 2.009; p = .045), but not towards the practice of vaginal intercourse against which both groups show similar attitudes (t = .252; p = .802). These results reflect not only the importance of taking into account the attitudes about sexuality of people with disabilities when developing affective-sexual education programs adapted to their characteristics, but also the value of providing the necessary knowledge and skills to parents.


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How to Cite
Fernández García, O., Gil Llario, M. D., Morell Mengual, V., & Gil Juliá, B. (2020). Comparison between the attitudes of people with intellectual disabilities towards sexual behaviour and those of their parents. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 497–506.
Author Biographies

Olga Fernández García, Universitat de València

Universitat de València

María Dolores Gil Llario, Universitat de València

Universitat de València

Vicente Morell Mengual, Universitat de València

Universitat de València

Beatríz Gil Juliá, Universitat de València

Universitat de València


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