Attitudes towards sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities: Does the general population differ from own persons with intellectual disabilities?

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Yarisa Nicola Piris
María Dolores Gil Llario
Vicente Morell Mengual
Olga Fernández García


An essential aspect to guarantee the quality of life in people with Intellectual Disabilities (PDI) is sexual health. Despite the fact that attention has been increased in recent years on this issue, it is decisive to know if there are prejudices that can affect healthy development. The objective of this study has been to compare the attitudes towards sexuality of PDI that they have with those of the general population (PPG). For this, a total of 100 PDI (50% men and 50% women), from 19 to 55 years old, completed the Sexual Perception Scale, and 454 PPG (39.4% men and 60.6% women), between 20-82 years old, completed the Attitude Scale for Sexuality in People with Intellectual Disabilities (ASEXDI). 71.1% of the PPG show moderate attitudes towards thes exuality of PDI, 18.7%, liberaland 10.1% conservative attitudes. Both groups differ in tolerance to caresses, being higher in the PPG group (68.28% consider it very acceptable, compared to 22.78% of PDI). In contrast, penetrative sexual relations between PDI are slightly better valued by PDI than between PPG, although in both cases they are conservative attitudes (15% of PDI consider it not at all acceptable, compared to 37.89% of the PPG). However, the PPG tends to consider the competences of PDI for the correct use of condoms in a more positive way. The results allow to conclude that the PPG shows a moderate tolerance towards the expression of sexuality of this group, with the exception of the penetration practice towards which they show some prevention. The positive attitude of PDI towards this practice together with their low perception of competence in condom use justifies the need for adapted affective-sexual education programs.


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How to Cite
Nicola Piris, Y., Gil Llario, M. D., Morell Mengual, V., & Fernández García, O. (2020). Attitudes towards sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities: Does the general population differ from own persons with intellectual disabilities?. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 83–92.
Author Biographies

Yarisa Nicola Piris, Universidad de Valencia

Universidad de Valencia

María Dolores Gil Llario, Universidad de Valencia

Universidad de Valencia

Vicente Morell Mengual, Universidad de Valencia

Universidad de Valencia

Olga Fernández García, Universidad de Valencia

Universidad de Valencia


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