Project work in the educational curriculum: methodological principles that fund it
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Although for years ago, pedagogues and teachers have advocated more innovative methodologies than those that were being developed in schools, it is, at this moment, when most fervently, something is being removed in a large part of the teachers that are leading to wanting to change the current teaching-learning processes, wanting to innovate and trying new pedagogical approaches. Project work (PW) is a clear example of these new pedagogical perspectives that are increasingly being implemented in classrooms. Give theoretical foundation to this active and innovative methodology, theoretically support the teaching practice around project work and propose an intervention model based on the methodological principles that support it, are the general objectives or results expected at the end of the review process of the available evidence, on the relationship between the methodological principles that guideteaching practicefor the development of Project Work(construction ofsignificant learning, learning functionality, ability to learn to learn, modification of the knowledge schemes that the student already has intense activity on the part of the student -observation, experimentation, research-, individualization, socialization, positive self-concept, motivation, play, globalization) and the success of the teaching learning process. The search was concentrated on articles published between 1998 and 2017, which are synthesized in a table that examines interventions that have been carried out with the aim of promoting PW with the subsequent aim that it improves the teaching process- learning. The body of evidence reviewed yields results of interventions that have been proven to be effective in promoting PW within the curriculum of any educational level / modality, suggestingthat there is a causal relationship where PW predicts the success of the educational process (Funds were received from the MOBILITY RESEARCHERS UVa BANCO SANTANDER 2020).
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