Project work from the game by corners: planning and start-up of a restaurant corner
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The game is one of the methodological principles that is identified with theories related to the constructivist current, founded by authors such as Vygotsky, Ausubel or Piaget, and which guides and frames project work. The game allows the child to act naturally, spontaneously, freely, safely, relaxedly, with possibilities for error and without criticism. Furthermore, it is a fundamental element of individual and progressive identity as it allows you to express and share ideas, contrast and test knowledge of yourself and your environment, being able to develop and consolidate them progressively. Being the gamethe methodological principleand the basis of thelearning processthat guides the teaching practice of the author of this work in Early Childhood Education, the modification of the play corner of the house, which until now existed, wascarried outand planning and launch arestaurantcorner. Theexperience was carried out with a group of 14 students or 4-year-old children from a fishing village on the ntabrian coast. The learning situations that occurred in the classroom were very diverse, having the child as the central axis and main protagonist, to guarantee their educational success. The role play that involves the organization of a restaurant corner in the class, led the children to have an ever deeper and more complete knowledge of themselves, to promote their personal autonomy, in addition to having a greater knowledge of the close environment and actively participate in it. Another result of the practice carried out was the development of different types of languages to express feelings, ideas, thoughts, etc., leading to reaching the final objective that was intended with the project.
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