Aps: an itinerary for competences in the subject of adapted sport
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In the third year of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences degree at the Catholic University of Valencia, the subject «Adapted Sport and Inclusive Physical Activity» is taught. Its main purpose is to better know people with disabilities and their relationship with the different areas of the sport, therapeutic, educational, competitive and leisure and recreation. In order to achieve the specific competences of the subject, students can choose three different itineraries. On the one hand, group work with theoretical exposition and practical application is offered; on other, portfolios as individual work and thirdly, the Learning and Service itinerary, in which students by groups search for an institution and develop a ServiceLearning program in which they acquire the specific skills of the subject. This last itinerary is the one that best meets the objectives of the subject, since students become familiar with the users of the institutions where they apply it and become sensitized towards disability, obtaining authentic and situated learning, given that they experience disability in first person. It is also a methodology that we call “transcendent” since it transcends the University and directly affects the closest social environment, reducing the gap that sometimes exists between the University and real society. Once the institution has been chosen and the administrative procedures have been solved, the S-L itinerary has three phases carried out by the students in groups: preparation, intervention, evaluation and diffusion. The development of all of them is reported in this communication.
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