Meaning in life, subjective well-being and spiritual well-being in Portuguese and Brazilian young people

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María Da Luz Vale Dias
Juliana Sant'Anna dos Santos Vera


Introduction: Among the dimensions that determine the happiness of the human being, the  meaning in life (ML), spiritual well-being (SpWB) and subjective well-being (SubjWB) are of particular interest. In this research, we evaluate the capacity to predict SpWB and SubjWB from the dimensions of the ML. We intend to present data with some intercultural reach, using samples from Brazil and Portugal. Method: The Brazilian sample has 300 subjects (71.3% female). As for the Portuguese sample, it consists of 298 subjects (64.1% female). In both samples, the mean age is approximately 20 years. For the data collection, we used several questionnaires adapted to the two countries. Results: In both samples, the presence of ML is predictor, with only one exception, of the factors of SpWB and SubjWB. In the Portuguese sample, the search for ML is also a predictor of some of these factors. Religion is relevant for the presence of ML, being this one significantly higher in the group of subjects who say they have a religion. It was also observed that religion influences the ML and, to a certain extent, the SpWB. There were also significantly higher results in the ML and in the transcendental dimension of SpWB in the Brazilian sample. Few differences were found according to sex, only in the Brazilian sample. Discussion: It is presented areflection on the most relevant results, their limitationsand proposals of new investigations, stressing the importance of accompanying young people in these three pillars.


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How to Cite
Da Luz Vale Dias, M., & Sant’Anna dos Santos Vera, J. (2020). Meaning in life, subjective well-being and spiritual well-being in Portuguese and Brazilian young people. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 321–332.
Author Biographies

María Da Luz Vale Dias, Universidade de Coimbra

Universidade de Coimbra

Juliana Sant'Anna dos Santos Vera, Universidade de Coimbra

Universidade de Coimbra


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