Attitudes towards cooperative learning and cultural historical psycology

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Laura Haro Pontón
Lenin Reyes Haro
Benito León del Barco


Education of personality through teaching-learning processes (in Spanish, PEA) based on the cultural- historical psychology, stimulate the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and promote human development through particular forms of organization of individuals and knowledge. The development of feelings, attitudes, values, thoughts, imagination, attention among others, is its essential concern. That is why this study aims to demonstrate that teaching with a cultural-historical psychology develops a predisposition and attitudes towards teamwork. This study aims to demonstrate that teaching with a cultural- historical psychology, develops attitudes favourable to teamwork. The research is quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design and includes a control group. Students from schools with whom teachers worked in training in pre-professional practice were selected for intervention.
835 students participated in the research, from which 430 make up the experimental group consisting of students of Basic Superior in an average age of 13.4 (± 0.95) years and Senior High School of 16.4 (± 1.6) years.
The control group includes 405 students of Basic education and Senior High school, whose ages are similar to the experimental group. In the PEA of the experimental group, a class design was used which, in organizational forms, emphasizes cooperative work techniques. The Predisposition and Attitudes towards Teamwork Questionnaire (in Spanish, CACTE) was applied. After the intervention, the experimental group had a significant increase (p smaller than 0.001) with respect to the control group and its effect size was medium (r = 0.27), a situation that makes it possible to affirm that the application of teamwork with cooperative learning techniques, contributes to the development of sociability, raises self-esteem, and guarantees significant learning for the person, reduces individualism and competence.


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How to Cite
Haro Pontón, L., Reyes Haro, L., & León del Barco, B. (2020). Attitudes towards cooperative learning and cultural historical psycology. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 295–304.
Author Biographies

Laura Haro Pontón, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Lenin Reyes Haro, Universidad de Barcelona

Universidad de Barcelona

Benito León del Barco, Universidad de Extremadura

Universidad de Extremadura


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