Company-university collaboration through aps: proposal from the editorial field

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Miguel Ángel Barberó Barrios


This paper deals with a service-learning experience (SLA) that attempts to explore fields other than the traditional ones, while taking into account everything that has already been contributed in a solid way in the path taken in this field.
Before the development of this experience, a double question arose: can the company and the world of entrepreneurship be an optimal place for service-learning and, more specifically, can it be developed from a publishing house?
There are many contrasting experiences of PHC that are promoted by different social organizations and that connect with the university orviceversa; likewise, those others, fundamentally of practices, that from thecompany support and complete the university training. However, considering that there is a positive response to the questions posed, it orients us towards a type of training different from the ones presented, since it would require, on the one hand, that the company offer a product of a social nature (which can find friction with its intrinsic need for subsistence and economic gains) and on the other hand, that the University involve its students in the elaboration of that product (when it, as an institution, is not concerned with the creation of products, but rather with the
promotion of learning among its students).
The publishing company Didacbookand the University Abat Oliba- CEU have undertaken a journey to answer the questions raised. Their shared pedagogical environment has provided a common space for innovative exploration in APS. This article presents their main findings and prospective.


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How to Cite
Barberó Barrios, M. Ángel. (2020). Company-university collaboration through aps: proposal from the editorial field. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 391–400.
Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Barberó Barrios, Universitat Abat Oliba - CEU (Barcelona)

Universitat Abat Oliba - CEU (Barcelona)


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