Educating towards a smart heart: emotional intelligence in the childhood

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Mónica Muriel Fernández
Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro


Nowadays, some still think that Emotional Intelligence is a rarity or snobbery invented from the sphere of education. Although the reality is quite different, because emotions are part of our daily lives, we experience them constantly and since childhood we are taught to recognize that they are part of one and that we have to learn to recognize and live with them. For this reason, weconsider that it iscertainlyimportant to emphasizethe Emotional Education, taking theclassrooms as the starting point. In conclusion, the Main and General Objective of the present work is to observe the temporal evolution of the Emotional Intelligence of children in a formal setting through the Emotional Education. For that, six components will be observed: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Empathy, Social Skills, Self-confidence and Tolerance to Frustration, in a sample (n = 140) of schoolchildren of Primary Education, that is, between 6 and 12 years old, using for it a qualitative methodology of self-elaboration and designed ad hoc.


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How to Cite
Muriel Fernández, M., & Isidro de Pedro, A. I. (2020). Educating towards a smart heart: emotional intelligence in the childhood. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 401–416.
Author Biographies

Mónica Muriel Fernández, Educadora Social

Educadora Social

Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro, Universidad de Salamanca

Universidad de Salamanca


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