Children's food education

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Sabina Russo


Over the years, there has been a progressive increase in the number of overweight and obese people of all ages and social realities in Europe and around the world, making obesity one of the most common public health problems pressing. Obesity is a problem that does not forgive even the smallest children. The latest published data shows that children in southern European countries are those with the greatest weight problems (between
18% and 21%); in Italy one in five children is obese. These data led to an investigation in Ribera, a country in Sicily (Italy), aimed at promoting the improvement of children’s nutrition by raising awareness about the bad eating habits related to eating breakfast and snacks at school. Specifically, the research, based on the idea that teachers and parents should jointly help children develop and promote knowledge and awareness of healthy
eating habits, wanted to demonstrate that children’s use of a newspaper weekly snacks at school contributes to the improvement of eating habits.


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How to Cite
Russo, S. (2020). Children’s food education. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(1), 517–528.
Author Biography

Sabina Russo, Doctorado en Educación en la Universidad de Valencia (España)

Doctorado en Educación en la Universidad de Valencia (España),


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