Promotion of literacy for non-violence and active citizenship throughout the life cycle

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Cláudia Balula Chaves
Emília de Carvalho Coutinho
Paula Batista Nelas
Rui Manuel Tavares Dionisio
Carla Cruz
Sónia Costa


The violence that occurs in family relationships is a subtype of interpersonal violence and, in turn, is divided into violence between intimate partners, violence against children and adolescents and violence against the elderly (Zuma, 2005). This is a proposal for an intervention in a community context in the interior region of Portugal in order to prevent abuse against children and young people, prevention of violence in intimate relations and against elderly people. It aims to: Promote literacy in the field of violence prevention throughout the life cycle and active citizenship in thecommunity; Sensitizethetarget population to the prevention of the problem and inform theexisting responses in the context of violence prevention. The project team intends to increase the level of literacy such as preventing violence and developing a manual of good practices based on monitoring and interventions carried out, integrating the focus of promoting non-violence in children and young people from pre-school through to education and prevention of violence against the elderly, with a focus on conflict and stress management in the formal care providers of Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS). The training of people to prevent violence is particularlyrelevant in improving self-esteem and autonomyand with benefitsin terms of individualand collective health.


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How to Cite
Balula Chaves, C., de Carvalho Coutinho, E., Batista Nelas, P., Tavares Dionisio, R. M., Cruz, C., & Costa, S. (2020). Promotion of literacy for non-violence and active citizenship throughout the life cycle. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 489–494.
Author Biographies

Cláudia Balula Chaves, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Emília de Carvalho Coutinho, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Paula Batista Nelas, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Rui Manuel Tavares Dionisio, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Carla Cruz, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu

Sónia Costa, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra


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