Socio-demographic variables that relate to the resilience in schizophrenic patients family members
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Background: Family resilience is important because it is a process that can overcome adverse situations, promoting a family well-being. Objective: To identify the socio-demographic variables that relate to the resilience in schizophrenic patients family members. Methodology: Descriptive-correlational study. A questionnaire was applied to 30 schizophrenic patients family members enrolled in the Ambulatory Unit of the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, of a Hospital Center. Results: The variables that relate to the family’s resilience are the age of the respondent, their literary habilitation, profession, level of knowledge about the disease, family size, kinship and cohabitation degree with the person with schizophrenia. Regarding the person with schizophrenia, their age, literary habilitation, profession and time of diagnosis of the disease are also variables related to family resilience. Conclusion: There are variables that relate to family resilience, so it is pertinent to consider that health professionals, in addition to interventions directed to the sick person, have a responsibility to intervene with the family in order to help them to develop resilience.
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