Prevalence of vascular type depression in men and older women and its relationship with cognitive deterioration

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Guillermo Fernández Fernández
Lorena Lepe Morelos


The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of depression in women and men over 65 and up to 103 years in Colima, Mexico in a geriatric stay from the results of the National Survey of Health and Aging. The methodology used was cross-sectional, non-experimental, expo facto, through the application of Geriatric assessment instruments, the prevalence of depression was determined in the 109 people of an age range from 65 to 103 years of age. Among the main results, it was found that there is a prevalence of depression in the elderly, with DC (cognitive impairment) being the main trigger for the disorder. The study concludes that men have lower DC as well as depression, due to variables such as active socialization, cognitive stimulation and physical activity (domination, deck, physical exercise, etc.).


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How to Cite
Fernández Fernández, G., & Lepe Morelos, L. (2019). Prevalence of vascular type depression in men and older women and its relationship with cognitive deterioration. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(2), 53–58.
Author Biographies

Guillermo Fernández Fernández, Unidad de Geronto-geriatria, Casa del Adulto Mayor, La Armonía Departamento de Psicogeriatría y Psicogerontólogia. Asociación Mexicana de Geriatría y Gerontología AMGG Colima, México

Unidad de Geronto-geriatria, Casa del Adulto Mayor, La Armonía
Departamento de Psicogeriatría y Psicogerontólogia.
Asociación Mexicana de Geriatría y Gerontología AMGG
Colima, México

Lorena Lepe Morelos, Unidad de Geronto-geriatria, Casa del Adulto Mayor, La Armonía Departamento de Psicogeriatría y Psicogerontólogia. Asociación Mexicana de Geriatría y Gerontología AMGG Colima, México

Unidad de Geronto-geriatria, Casa del Adulto Mayor, La Armonía
Departamento de Psicogeriatría y Psicogerontólogia.
Asociación Mexicana de Geriatría y Gerontología AMGG
Colima, México


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