Role of the emergency in the management of the social problem of the elderly

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M.B. Benito Grande
A. Gómez Prieto
F. Martín Álvarez
M.P. Matellan Hernández
M.H. Onrubia Baticón
M.J. Sánchez Cordero


Introduction: Currently, in our society there is an increase in the percentage of the population over 65 years of age. Zamora is in second place in Spain with regard to this data. The number of calls made to the 112 centre in Castilla y León, with a final diagnosis of a social problem, is increasing according to the register since 2016. Although it is not an urgent medical pathology, it generates the mobilization of emergency health resources and the situation is increasing in the same way; taking into account that resources are limited, can there be an imbalance between the demand and the services offered? Is the EMU the final solution in the global management of the social problem? To analyse, in Zamora, that the increase of this population, entails an increase of final diagnoses: social problem; 2. To demonstrate that the use of the resources that currently exist for the global management of the problem is not sufficient, generates an overload of the Emergency Services and affects the sustainability of the Spanish Health System; 3. Methods: Descriptive observational study of the population over 65 years of age in Zamora who made calls to 112 in Castile and Leon and whose diagnosis was considered a social problem from January 2106 to September 2019. Results: Increase of 52 incidents with “social problem”.
The frequency is higher in men than in women. More than half of the 60 EMU interventions were discharged on site. Conclusions The over-demand of emergency services may lead to the dilemma “The tragedy of the commons”, described by Garrett Hardin in 1968. Therefore, good orientation, education and training in social and health care, and the development of a plan with resources such as a multidisciplinary referral service: “Social Unit”, would increase the efficiency of care for the elderly with social problems.


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How to Cite
Benito Grande, M., Gómez Prieto, A., Martín Álvarez, F., Matellan Hernández, M., Onrubia Baticón, M., & Sánchez Cordero, M. (2019). Role of the emergency in the management of the social problem of the elderly. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(2), 91–96.
Author Biographies

M.B. Benito Grande, Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León UNIDAD MECICALIZADA DE EMERGENCIAS (UME) ZAMORA

Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León


A. Gómez Prieto, Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León UNIDAD MECICALIZADA DE EMERGENCIAS (UME)

Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León

F. Martín Álvarez, Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León UNIDAD MECICALIZADA DE EMERGENCIAS (UME)

Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León

M.P. Matellan Hernández, Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León UNIDAD MECICALIZADA DE EMERGENCIAS (UME) ZAMORA

Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León

M.H. Onrubia Baticón, Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León UNIDAD MECICALIZADA DE EMERGENCIAS (UME)

Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León

M.J. Sánchez Cordero, Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León UNIDAD MECICALIZADA DE EMERGENCIAS (UME) ZAMORA

Gerencia Emergencias Sanitarias Castilla y León


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