Care accompanying

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Marina Morela Hernández Patrocinio


The reason for the existence of nursing is caring; the idea is to provide food, hydration, breathing, rest etc ... but we usually forget the importance of communication, beyond giving direct assistance to only physical needs, is knowing how to be and accompany in daily life of the patient and his family trying to integrate it into care. Give support from listening, we must be sensitive and be aware of the details that provide comfort. In order to do this we need an interprofessional team, in which each component has its role, as important as that of another, the nursing role, within this is a basic pillar because it performs a global assessment, is the  member of the team that spends the most time with the patient, helping to control the response to treatment, preventing problems and detecting complications, as well as reducing the anxiety of him and his family. The people who need it most are those who have completed a cycle of their life and are close to leaving it or their diseases are progressive and do not respond to curative treatment; Their feelings are vulnerable, so it is very important to accompany, spend time, being at your side, showing our respect and understanding, touching, listening and transmitting our interest through gestures. In most times our presence is your medicine. And so we will get them out of life with the same naturalness with which one day they joined.


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How to Cite
Hernández Patrocinio, M. M. (2019). Care accompanying. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 3(2), 163–170.
Author Biography

Marina Morela Hernández Patrocinio, Enfermera en el complejo asistencial de Zamora

Enfermera en el complejo asistencial de Zamora


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