Preliminary analysis of the psychometric properties of an instrument to assess attitudes towards sexuality of people with physical disabilities (asex-pdf

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Olga Fernández-García
Verónica Estruch-García
María Dolores Gil-Llario


People with physical disabilities (PPD) do not necessarily have to be less sexually active than people without disabilities. However, they experience poorer sexual health due, on the one hand, to the frequent belief that not having a body with a normative functionality may interfere with their sexual behaviour and reproductive function, and, on the other hand, to the rejection and/or denial of their sexuality that they perceive from their more or less close environment. Likewise, it has been proven that the family and the professionals who are in contact with the PPD are the main agents of training, so that their attitudes towards sexuality in this group will condition their sexual development and the experience they have of it. Therefore, the aim of this work has been to construct and validate an instrument to assess attitudes towards sexuality of people with physical disabilities (ASEX-PDF) in the Spanish context. There were 554 participants (41.3% men and 58.7% women) aged between 20 and 92 years, of whom 100 were professionals in contact with this group and 454 belonged to the general population. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) yielded a onefactor structure, which was verified and corrected through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), showing good goodness-of-fit indices. The internal consistency of the total scale was .79 (Cronbach’s ) and .89 (ordinal Ω). Correlations with a related scale were also significant and in the expected direction. In conclusion, the ASEX-PDF is presented as a valid and reliable instrument that can be useful in exploring attitudes towards sexuality in PPD.


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Fernández-García, O., Estruch-García, V., & Gil-Llario, M. D. (2021). Preliminary analysis of the psychometric properties of an instrument to assess attitudes towards sexuality of people with physical disabilities (asex-pdf. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 181–192.


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