Programs and responses to the health of the elderly in Portugal
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The aging process starts at birth and we know that health is not a random issue, it is related to choices, the environment in which we live and the access to health that we have. Aging is diverse, but professionals tend to generalize care. There are inadequate policies, inadequate services, accessibility to conditioned care and inadequate nursing consultations. It is essential to analyze the documents issued by health structures and reflect on a practice of consultation directed at the elderly. The objective of this study is to address the pertinence and applicability of the National Program for the Health of Older Persons, the World Report on Aging and Health, the National Strategy for Active and Healthy Aging and the proposal for the National Health Plan for Dementia, presenting a critical reflection on their implication in the care of the elderly. From the analysis carried out, we conclude that Portuguese decisionmaking does not reflect the implementation of measures at the same pace as other EU countries. It is urgent and pertinent to create a program exclusively for the elderly, which values the periodic evaluation of users, allowing the early identification of changes and, on the other hand, develop an individual personalized care plan for each one. The Biomedical paradigm must be broken, and it is essential to carry out a structured Nursing Consultation for the Elderly, using the five-point evaluation: careful clinical evaluation; physical assessment; mental assessment; functional assessment and; social evaluation. In decision-making, the implementation of programs at various levels of prevention must be paramount, in order to promote health status and improve the quality of life of the elderly.
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