Effects of perineal massage during labor

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Mariana Fernandes Lopes
Emília de Carvalho Coutinho
Maria José Santos
Manuela Ferreira
Hélia Dias


During labor, trauma to the perineum is frequent. Perineal massage is considered a technique that promotes the integrity of the perineum. with the objective to identify the effects of perineal massage during labor. An integrative literature review was carried out, with research on January 18, 2021. Articles from primary studies and systematic literature reviews were published, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish, available in B-ON, PubMed and CINAHL databases, in text full and open access, in the year 2016 to 2020. The research question “What are the effects of perineal massage during labor?” was based on the PI [C] OD method. When searching the databases with theexpression - “(injury) AND (massage) AND (perineum) AND (labor), 53 articles from Pubmed; already with the expression - “(perineal trauma OR perineal injury OR perineal tear OR perineal laceration) AND massage AND (labor OR delivery) 278 articles in B-on and 41 in Cinahl, with a total of 372 articles. After application, the criteria for inclusion of time, language and free access, 110 articles remained. Then, therepetition of thearticles wasconsidered, leaving 85 articles. After reading the title and summary, 11 articles were selected. Thus, 6 articles were found grouped according to the research method. From the results found there are benefits in using perineal massage during labor. It is concluded that performing a perineal massage during labor reduces the number of lacerations in the perineum, the need for episiotomy, the duration of labor, as well as pain after delivery. However, further studies are needed.


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How to Cite
Fernandes Lopes, M., de Carvalho Coutinho, E., Santos, M. J., Ferreira, M., & Dias, H. (2021). Effects of perineal massage during labor. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(1), 519–530. https://doi.org/10.17060/ijodaep.2021.n1.v2.2132


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