Social-emotional skills: students with visual impairment in an inclusive early childhood education classroom.

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Wendy Itzameny Cahum González
Maricela Zuñiga Rodríguez


Socio-emotional education in boys and girls with visual disabilities is a human right, the objective of which is to guarantee this quality education with equal opportunities with a perspective of equity. The present objective is to present the partial advances of the research on the analysis of socio-emotional skills in students with visual disabilities in an inclusive preschool classroom, based on their conceptions about socioemotional education, the relationship of socio-emotional dimensions and their contrast. With the socio-emotional skills present in the inclusive classroom, from the new pandemic reality of teaching that is currently developing due to the health emergency of COVID-19, for this, theoretical references aimed at socio-emotional skills are being worked on.


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Cahum González, W. I., & Zuñiga Rodríguez, M. (2021). Social-emotional skills: students with visual impairment in an inclusive early childhood education classroom. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 1(2), 179–184.


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