Psychoeducational intervention aimed at communication for caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic review

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Cristina Gómez García
Gema Regatos Corchete
Mª Cruz Pérez Lancho


Introduction: Dementia is a clinical syndrome characterized by multiple cognitive decline in which the patient’s daily activities are compromised (Garzón, Mendez and Benito 2011). Due to this neurodegenerative deterioration that appears with dementia, these people often have difficulties finding the proper words, producing sounds, having an adequate fluidity or understanding the language (Allan and Killick, 2014). Therefore, communication between people with dementia and their caregivers may be affected, which has substantial consequences for their quality of life and their nursing (Alnes, Kirkevold and Skovdahl, 2011). Purpose: The purpose of this study aims to establish an update of psycho-educational interventions focused on communication between caregivers and people with dementia. Methodology: We conducted a systematic review within the last 10 years in order to detect the communication componentspresent in the interventions. Results: Among other results, we found that while the scientific literature focused on the psychoeducation of family members and caregivers of people with dementia is extensive, the approach towards communication strategies is addressed tangentially, although it is considered in some programs. Conclusions: We conclude highlighting the need to delve deeper into this field in subsequent studies.


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Gómez García, C., Regatos Corchete, G., & Pérez Lancho, M. C. (2021). Psychoeducational intervention aimed at communication for caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic review. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 17–28.


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