The shift from primary and secondary socialization to virtual socialization

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Francisco Javier Balea-Fernández


Introduction: When a couple decides to become a father/mother, they have, among other functions, the socialization of their children. The human being is born with a genetic predisposition for socialization, it is the environment in which it develops that determines the socialization process. Socialization is both an individual and a social phenomenon, that is, it enables society to transmit identity (tradition, culture, roles, etc.) and give continuity over time, while the individual allows normal learning. operation within it. The different socialization processes are primary, secondary, and virtual as a learning process of a tacit reality. Methodology: The PRISMA method has been used, the objective of which is to carry out documentary research, that is, to collect existing information on the influence of virtualization in the family, social and academic environment. Results: 490 works have been located. In the last 25 years, the number of publications has tended to increase. Being the areas of computer science and research in education the areas that showed the most publications. When the countries that publish the most on this subject are analyzed, Spain is in second place, only surpassed by the USA. Discussion: The traditional socialization system has modified its center of reference: from the real to the virtual. In addition, this new system has changed the educational process with the establishment of the NICTs, providing new challenges to the educational system. Conclusions: Both the virtualization process and digitization are already an essential part in all areas of both socialization and education. The new model of socialization has come to stay, it is not a passing fad. Nihilism is not an option and refusal to upgrade is a risk that society cannot afford.


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How to Cite
Balea-Fernández, F. J. (2021). The shift from primary and secondary socialization to virtual socialization. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 81–92.


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