Motivations to be (in)active in a pandemic period: an exploratory study with adolescents and young adults

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Isabel Condessa
Zélia Caçador Anastácio
Celeste Antão


With this exploratory study we intend to demarcate the influence of various motivations for adherence to physical activity (PA) in a group of adolescents and young adults (n=186) in 2020, during the periods of pandemic lockdown imposed by COVID-19. In this sense, we built a questionnaire on Google Forms, which was applied online and allowed us to collect testimonies on some issues: individual characteristics - biographical data (age, gender, body mass index - BMI, academic qualifications, occupation, general changes in weight since the first lockdown) and reasons for greater or lesser adherence to a regular practice of physical activity. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 27.0) and we used several statistical tests for descriptive (frequency; percentage), comparative [mean and standard deviation; Chi Square (X2)] and correlational [Spearman ( )] analysis. Our results allow us to conclude that the respondents of the study, some already at risk with regard to BMI, suffered greater changes in weight, a situation that registered different values according to gender, BMI and occupation at that moment. The level of adherence to regular PA practice fluctuated, with an approximate number of those who had more and less involvement in practices and, in a greater amount of time spent at home, led PA work following tutorials and guidance by professionals, namely from clubs and physical education. The reasons adduced to a higher level of regular PA practice and the most favourable to this practice were: i) the enjoyment of physical activity and with positive reinforcement to outdoor leisure activities and negative reinforcement to gym practices; ii) the improvement of physical abilities and health and well-being. Aesthetic motivations had less relevance and, regarding the importance of body care, it was the control of body mass that prevailed. 


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Condessa, I., Caçador Anastácio, Z., & Antão, C. (2021). Motivations to be (in)active in a pandemic period: an exploratory study with adolescents and young adults. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD De Psicología., 2(2), 459–466.


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