Learning approaches: a predictive model based on academic contexts in university students in the Dominican Republic
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In this work, we intend to know, firstly, the existing correlations between school and academic variables and two predominant types of learning approaches; then, it is about verifying the predictive capacity that these academic contexts have on the university centers in the Dominican Republic. The sample is made up of a total of 1558 students (74.5% women and 24.5% men) from Faculties of Education of 22 universities distributed in the main cities of the Dominican Republic. The methodology that has been used is quantitative, correlational with a proposal of predictive models. The results indicate the existence of positive and significant correlations of the academic and school type variables with the learning approaches. In addition, in a predictive model, a strong influence of these academic variables has been found in deep learning approaches to meaning and understanding, although this influence is also manifested, but to a lesser extent, in the construction of superficial approaches. It is reported that these results should be taken into account by teachers in their instructional teaching/learning processes. learning approaches of higher education students of university centers in the Dominican Republic. The sample is made up of a total of 1558 students (74.5% women and 24.5% men) from Faculties of Education of 22 universities distributed in the main cities of the Dominican Republic. The methodology that has been used is quantitative, correlational with a proposal of predictive models. The results indicate the existence of positive and significant correlations of the academic and school type variables with the learning approaches. In addition, in a predictive model, a strong influence of these academic variables has been found in deep learning approaches to meaning and understanding, although this influence is also manifested, but to a lesser extent, in the construction of superficial approaches. It is reported that these results should be taken into account by teachers in their instructional teaching/learning processes.
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